• If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the item purchase, you may return your purchase to us.
  • Return item(s) must be posted within 30 days of receiving the product(s) ordered from the Emerald Exclusive online store (
  • Item(s) can be returned for exchange or refund, provided the item(s) is returned in new and original condition with original product packaging, tags and unwashed condition.
  • You may return the product(s) to us for inspection before full payment to be made to your account.
  • If the product(s) has been discounted either by promotion or coupon codes, the amount refunded will be based on the net amount i.e. paid price for the product(s) less the coupon amount as indicated on the receipt.
  • Delivery charges paid in the original order are non-refundable. The cost of shipping the return product(s) to be borne by the purchaser.
  • EMERALD EXCLUSIVE reserves the right to amend this policy at any time without prior notice.